Gloomier: Dismally Deluxe Pledge Bundle (Kickstarter Special)
Board Game Geek Avg Player Rating: 7.31
Players: 2 to 5
Published: 2022
Content Notes: Kickstarter Exclusive Edition of Gloomier: Dismally Deluxe Pledge Board Game by Atlas Games. Includes core game, Grief Case, The Gloom Chronicles, and all unlocked stretch goals Please note: unless otherwise stated paid add ons from the Kickstarter Campaign are not included.
There’s mystery and murder afoot at Hemlock Hall, but this isn’t a story about the dashing detective — it’s the tale of the unfortunate victims. Compete to tell the most tragic tale, while keeping your opponents healthy and alive. Will you be detained in the dungeons or be poisoned while pruning?
Gloomier uses transparent cards, allowing a character’s story — and score — to evolve as cards are stacked upon them. Only the information that’s currently visible counts. Modifier cards tell of terrible happenstances and give characters negative points. Untimely death cards end a character’s depressing tale. You win if your family is the most miserable when an entire family is killed off.
You don’t have to have any prior experience to play Gloomier, but if you are familiar with Gloom, you’ll find six new stories and fourteen new guests that can be used with any edition of Gloom! So come to Hemlock Hall, and see what delightful misery awaits!
—description from publisher
–from the publisher
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